upwork is for liquid work

Posted on March 24, 2017

I just used the new filters in my job query on Upwork. The results were more interesting than usual. The idea of “liquid work” was the reason why i bothered using Upwork in the first place, but over the months i somehow forgot it, i forgot how it linked to the Hyperbolic schema and the whole concept i had in mind.

It came back to my mind recently thinking about how bars price their products, but now, after years since when i had the first intuition, i collected some tools, software and experience that is helping me to turn the idea to reality.

Selecting only the jobs that fit in this schema reduces a lot the jobs i get, but this is not a bad thing. Full time, traditional jobs are not what Upwork is interesting for.

It’s bad anyway to be locked in to the platform. In fact rediscovering the Hyperbolic system enables me to start collaborations also outside Upwork, but it’s nice how Hyperbolic and Opwer seem to work well together