Seasons of Berlin
Today i went to Nano while snow was abundantly falling, it was beautiful. I looked out of the window while drinking my coffee, and i could perfectly remember how that looked in the middle of Summer.
I am really enjoying this unexpected period in Berlin, in a limbo between excitement due to my new freedom and the incertainties related to my new lifestyle. I am living the present during maybe one of my last opportunities to feel part of this city and its communities.
I am aware of some long-running investments that did not pay off. I bought myself more time, and i keep giving myself room and refusing to panic, but the direction to pursue is not clear, nor the methodology to follow. This might not be negative though, it might be the result of a learning process, i feel like i have too much data, and i need time to process it.
I also need time to collect personal resources, too. I just calculated that the relocation made me consume most of my vacation time. I am working with very limited resources, and my goal is ambitious, therefore i need to be patient. I am enjoying the change of season though. It’s Winter, time to focus again on frames, plans, programs. Time to be rational, time to make things work better