
Posted on January 25, 2016

I am on the train from Firenze Rifredi to Pisa, no connection. A good opportunity to write a bit. I don’t have much time so i will write quickly in a descriptive way.

I am coming back from the Impact Hub in Florence, which i had to approach too hastily due to other appointments with friends.

Before arriving here in Tuscany, the week in Catania was more productive than i expected thanks to Vulcanic, a coworking space and incubator i found there. There i had a feeling of enlightenment, realising that the phenomenon of digital nomads summarises and ties together many ideas, values and projects i care about.

I am excited to feel part of this community and i would like to accelerate on my plans, also because i have been trying to find a remote job on Haskell for a while now. At the same time i am here mainly in order to meet people and run a few errands, thus i should consider this as a week of vacations, besides urgent matters and the work with eHealth.

I should wait for my comeback to Berlin before looking for new opportunities. Then i will also have to decide wether to leave the city or not, or wether to not even decide. I will have to listen to my feelings. I will have my flat, my time, my quiet.

I just want to write that i like Berlin, even from far away, and i would like to stay there, to not be forced to choose between that city and my Sicily. Even from far away, i miss some things in Berlin and i feel it like a familiar place, where i belong. I felt welcome there, i felt at home even being a stranger, even in the hard moments, even when i was feeling in the wrong place, because for me Berlin was more an idea than a physical place.

Visiting Tuscany again i have some intuition about how i could belong more to a place like Berlin, rather than to a place like Pisa or Florence, which i still love.

And now the train is arriving.

One of the reasons because i might be leaving Berlin is that staying attached to the physical place, start a struggle for a better home, for a better position there might now kill that idea.