about prototyping

one of the difficult parts is that the adequate prototyping of non-functional features is delegated to the builders’ expertise, and its accuracy can be assessed only late. this also applies to usability and marketability. it’s not granted that the results achieved during prototyping will be portable to the production phase

writing down the assumptions can help to verify them later and to share them with the rest of the team

throwaway prototyping

bad quality is assumed

the commitment to throw it away enables to follow dangerous paths, without the risk of them ever leaking to production

proof of concept

no assumption on the quality

the idea is to keep what can be kept and change the rest, the proof of concept should be analysed eventually in order to decide what to do with it, which changes are needed, etcetera

incremental/evolutionary prototyping

Here we are under the assumption that the deliverables will stay with us for a long time, so minimalism is important as it enables to achieve high quality on a smaller area.