nomadism from the tip of rotterdam

Posted on March 15, 2018

processing my stack on rotterdam to look for something meaningful for the current situation

after my friend sent me that message my perspective feels deeply different and at the moment i’m not interested in what i wrote before that, it was ten days ago more or less

nomadism is the most relevant theme recently developed

i made nomading possible for me, but i’ve not been able to leverage the social impact i hoped through it. while some exchange happens, it feels too little to me considering the efforts. now i doubt whether i could have more impact from a capital, studying remote work and helping to develop it

the first item is nomadas digitales, i hope that the spanish community of digital nomads can be somewhat less shallow, as they share a language with the countries they visit

the community seems non-existent, some original content but not what i thought

despues de cuidar el arbol un poquito me parece de ajuntar la hoja que es la solucion que buscaba. el procés a durado media ora o quaranta minudos