ibla or catania

Posted on March 1, 2018

ibla feels like the final destination of my tour, the upcoming month a short tail from which to start over again in the opposite direction

in some sense it doesn’t matter whether it’s a tail with poison or not, it’s the tail and i’m directed there, to the bottom and back up, or to the top and back down

if i will go to catania i could never experience ibla again, if i will go to ibla it could take even more energy away from me and push me even further on this path towards a deep personal change. i’m not looking forward to change more, i’m just on this path and i’ve been offered a last mile

in ibla are some migrants, the abandoned houses and the empty tourism, the lost soul of this city, some friends, the nature, more loneliness, more time to spend with my soul

in catania is the people and our blind energy, dirt, the streams that disperse with generosity, but most of all a rising path again, some action i’m craving, allies and a way out

i think it’s going to be catania, because i want to start gently losing myself again, mix my waters to the winds and the seas. i had enough connection and reconciliation, now movement leads me to another direction

this is a good way to leave, balancing the goal with a warm attachment. this transforms the dirt before i even move, and enables me to look at it for what it is

finally i don’t care much, my fire slowly burns within