kasaputia stories

Posted on December 15, 2017

Una storia scritta in due lingue

Kasaputia é un progetto ed una storia, scritta in due lingue.

A story is the only way to explain it all, from the start. Because it’s important to show how there was nothing at the start, just an idea and a name for it.

The road was not much harder to reach than the web, in both cases i just needed a gesture and curiosity.

The idea expanded on a sheet of paper, and then the gesture: i open the door. My kasaputia started that moment, with ridicolous ambitions.

Part of this kasaputia will stay here, part of it will go everywhere.

My putia is also the way i like to work, open, public, accessible and evolutionary, a project in dialogue with all of its contexts.

This putia is offline now, which feels unconceivable for a developer. I came to this putia in order to be free to create and express and i’m pretty impressed by how good this is working

The only light in this putia comes from the door on the street, this leads me to be more social, even though i’m slightly paranoid about the street, like we all are.

In vetrina

Tornato a casa con l’idea di cucinarmi il pranzo, apro gli scuri tenendo la porta chiusa. Sembra strano al principio, dopo mi abituo. Mi rendo conto che é un’ottimo modo di abituarmi al pubblico. Non passa molta gente. Quando passa qualche curioso, la mia postazione mi permette di ricambiare lo sguardo, un segno di debolezza.

The door is on a road when cars almost never pass. There is no one directly in front living the other side and staring.

Ambient tonda

Today i started playing Hang Massive loud in kasa, since i received a video from Alicia after i had the door open.

When going out i put the speaker in my backpack without turning it off, i lowered a bit the volume and brought it with me while doing a chore in a couple of shops nearby, nobody commented.

I went to the rotonda, the clouds were telling a story like always, i liked how the music mixed with the landscape, i think that this is a good place for ambient.

A few people passed by, nobody commented about the music which is now very loud in a beautiful public space. I am writing sitting in the sun on a bench in front of the landscape, this is my desk this morning.

I write to someone, take my time, try raising the volume and the tempo, switch to Kollektiv Türmstrasse. I hear several songs at full volume, really enjoying it. After one i really enjoyed i stop. The clouds moving in the silence on the highlands are majestic.